Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Been reading a lot

       Over the last few weeks I have been reading more than normal. A lot of my recent reading has been westerns. Right now I am in the middle of a Modern western  I highly recommend  its even free right now.

  It is a post apocalyptic  western of sort 

      I have also been reading a few by C.J. Petit  his are westerns but  didn't notice  while a top rated western writer his books are also tops in the romance categories but then looking back at my favorite westerns the good guy always did get the girl.  Romance or western I like his writing style and story lines.


  1. Edward Abbey had a few good books in him. Re-reading that 'One Second After' book (found it in a Salvation Army store for $1) - lots of good 'Never thought of that !' thoughts in it. For those who aren't aware of it, the good dealt with the effects of an EMP event in the Carolinas. Fiction - but fiction that makes you think. Much like the original 'Alas Babylon' Pat Frank book.

    1. I have read one second after twice and hundreds of other P.A. books. Some times I read straight fiction and westerns because they don't make me think ;).
