Saturday, January 9, 2016

It's about damn time !!! (link)

    It is about Damn time a governor called for a convention to reign in the federal government. The constitution has provisions That states can call for this with out congressional or presidential approval or permission. If any state governor refused to attend it should be a wake up call that he is just a Federal boot licking Bitch.
   Since the Washington Federal Government doesn't listen to the states or the voters its PAST TIME to strip them of their power.

         PLEASE READ !!!!!!!


  1. thanks for the link.
    wrote to the bundys' gov. when that was going on and told him to get together with other gov.s and declare state lands sovereign.
    glad someone is moving on this.we can only pray that it happens.
    cannot understand why the congress is lying back while the white house usurps all their power.
    i thought they were in it for power and money. i guess the money is still flowing and they don't care that they are being neutered.

    1. I hope it happens to. States should be able to make their own laws with out federal approval. This isn't the 17 or 1800s if you don't like what your state's laws MOVE. Most state lines are less than a 4 hour drive.

    2. You don't seriously want any of the current crop of corrupt and pig ignorant Representatives to get anywhere near our Constitution do you?

      These stupid sonsabitches aren't qualified to run a Kool Aid stand the way I see it and would screw things up six ways from breakfast!

      The people actually running the place behind the scenes would have the Bill of Rights gutted before the first coffee break.

    3. Phil I would support a convention to limit federal overreach. Article 5 is in the constitution so states can limit federal power. If 37states approve a change it becomes Law. The congress and president cant veto or change it.

  2. It is a scary thought that we could give politicians the power to change the Constitution! But it is long past due and it desperately needs to be done before the next Civil War.
    Any political group or politician who tries to subvert the changes should be immediately arrested, sent to GITMO and hanged.

    1. The founding fathers included this provision from day one. In the past ALL amendments originated in congress and states would approve or deign them. If an amendment Originates and is approved by 37 states It is Law .A convention of states is what our founders wanted to limit the federal government. The last time states did this was 1789. The federal government has used article V to rule from the Top down but it was meant to be a way to govern from the Bottom up. At present it takes 33 states to convene and 37 to approve. I believe state official are corrupt but I think they would like to return states rights it would feed their egos.

  3. It seems worth a try to me. They could hold it in South Carolina, that one worked out ok.

    1. It would be a first. I will post the Wikipedia link on how it has been asked for and denied in the past .

  4. cannot each state declare all lands in the state to be sovereign without a governor's gathering or a Constitutional convention?
    they should just declare sovereignty all together so none are left hanging out to dry.
    there is strength in numbers.

    1. short answer is No. The federal land acts of the 1800s allowed for the BLM, national parks and forests. Some were donated after timber and minerals were striped as tax write offs. The best solution is to have state oversight of federal land within its borders.
