Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Couped up and bored!!!!

      I have been couped  up for 2 months  its been raining or freezing . Now I have been getting dizzy when I stand and it all from lack of exercise .  Tomorrow I plan on going to Sam's  ,Wal mart and Aldi's . I don't need anything I can think of but I am sick of feeling trapped in the house. This trip to the stores is more about exercise and my sanity. 

       Smile !!!


  1. Those are a great collection of images!

    1. Thanks the post reads to much like a pity party. So a few light hearted pics to make folks smile .

  2. Again, thanks for posting.

  3. " A pretty girl is like a song." That young thing certainly qualifies.

    I know exactly what you mean about this constant rain and cold. The talking head on the ATL news said that 2018 was the wettest year in Georgia since they started keeping records, and so far 2019 has shaped up to be the same. I sure miss getting out and going over to the lake to walk.

  4. I want to go camping at the lake as soon as the weather breaks. 2018 was n.alabamas 4 wettest. But 2019 has been the wettest on record so far.

  5. Hi Gary,
    How's the feeding tube working out for you? Feeling stronger and maintaining your weight? Is all good so far?

  6. Mike the tube has put 9 lbs. back on me but my strength hasn't improved. I am hoping with warm weather I will improve.
