Friday, November 18, 2016

Jeff sessions would make a good ATTORNEY GENERAL!!!!!!!

      I think any cabinet  job this man takes will be done well.

Sessions' hard lines could yield confirmation fight

Trump's election sets stage for H-1B reform

 Trump has appointed Sessions' chief counsel, Danielle Cutrona, to head his immigration policy transition team. Sessions is reportedly being considered to head the Department of Homeland Security (which oversees the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service), Department of Justice (which can investigate discrimination complaints), or the Department of Defense.

H/T 90 miles from Tyranny

      P.S. I have proudly voted for this man every time.

       Today they named him for attorney general. All can agree good riddance to Loretta Lynch .. Now what this tells me is Trump is    NOT going to ask congress to pass many new laws. Trump is a contract/law manipulator . He will use laws already on the books to achieve his goals. This will force congress to rescind laws to stop him :). Session's appointment will  clear the way to move quickly.
    Law's never expire if it was passed under Grant its still on the books and can be used as long as  it has never been struck down by SCOTUS . I believe Congress will find they have been declawed  and marginalized for the next 4 years.


  1. He would indeed. I've followed the gentleman's career right along over the years. He's an impressive individual.

    1. If we had more like him serving we would be bored.

    2. I watched CNN this morning and they were really attacking Sessions, Morris Dee from the so called "Southern Poverty Law Center" apparently doesn't approve of him. Dear me!

    3. They say you can tell a man's character by his friend's and enemy's. Session is moving up.

  2. this is turning out better than i had hoped. if only God will protect these men and our nation from the evildoers who have set up such an intertwined web of control, we stand an earthly chance.
    but prayers must continue. evil is large.

    1. True Deb but lawyers always leave loopholes in their scams its how the parasites survive. Like cockroaches.
