Saturday, October 27, 2018

Canned ham and beef any one?

        Since my ability to eat is diminished my nutritional needs remain. So I have had to find foods that can be pureed to a thin paste so it will go down. Now peas potatoes carrots and beans puree and still taste like what they are. The real problem has been protein . Hamburger and Pork are difficult to  get fine enouph from raw.
         Well my daughter brought in a can of Underwood  Deviled ham. I haven't eaten a can since my grandmother was alive she liked it with egg salad as a sandwich. Now Underwood ham is a bit pricey . I had a canned ham here from Aldi's  the last of 20 that I had 3 years ago. We like them sliced  for sandwiches and flacked  with scrambled eggs  when camping. Most of the hams went to idiot son when he had no power before he found couch surfing. I have been putting a chunk of ham through a  mini food chopper with Mayo and it has made a paste I have been eating a ton of with crackers. 

       I tried corned beef the same way and found I like the taste  better than the ham. I have been eating pintos as refried beans after running them through the mini chopper . then I mixed the corned beef and beans together  when I cooked the beans they were so good the wife even loved them (she hates corned beef from a can) and saved her some before I made mush .  I may be down to pureed foods but the old fall back of canned storage meats is what is getting me trough this food crisis.
          Did you know the USDA even grades meat down to a canning only grade. I never knew they had so many grades and can only was the lowest for human consumption. Who would dream the only meat I can eat are prime steak fat and canned meat at potted meat grind . LOL.


  1. glad you found something tasty.
    keep praying
    everything, no matter how horrible, is in Jesus' hands when all is said and done.
    i am desperate and miserable since husband died unexpectedly but i have to trust Jesus
    i cling to Him.
    we are told it will all come out right in the end.
    He is our hope

    1. I am so sorry it has left you desperate and miserable. I am trying to prepare my wife but she keeps saying " ill be fine" which means I don't want to think about it now! She better !!!!

  2. Hey Gary,

    You ever try that corned beef with eggs (it's a personal favorite)?

    Very sorry to hear that news your Doc gave you.


    1. Moe that's my go to every day meal 1 egg and 2 extra yolks over a pile of corn beef. the whites give me trouble.

  3. How about tuna and oatmeal ? Sounds weird, but adding some salsa and string cheese chunks to this is pretty tasty. I have it often for breakfast and lunch. Only caution - clean your vessel promptly, as if it is allowed to stay long, it is hard to clean.

    1. oatmeal will not pass down my throat to big. I eat breakfast bars but have to spit the oats out like watermelon seeds.
