Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The things you learn around a campfire.

    Saturday nite was one of 3 rain free nites we had last week.It was also when we had 8 family members with us at the campground so we had a campfire made smores roasted marshmallow's and talked.In this day and age talking is becoming a thing of the past testing face book and tweets are the norm for our kids.A real phone call means something has happened most of the time.But have you noticed conversations on the phone never get to the personal level any more?As the kids went to bed the adults got to catchup with what was going on in real life.I don't mean we hit the high points there is something about a fire and a quart of strawberry moonshine that relaxed everyone and we caught up on our kids real lives more in 2 hours than we had in 2 years.
     The glow of a fire stirs something primal in people like little else can maybe its thousands of years of a fire and groups using the flames to feel secure.We all talked and laffed in a different way than any time i can think of.Some may say it was the moonshine but i think it was the fire and the stars.I think I'm going to make a fire ring here at the house maybe we be able to learn and guide or kids better when they talk open like they did that nite.
        PS i rarely text i do not face book and what the hell is the use in a tweet?If  have something to say I CALL and if its important i drive over to talk.Technology is great but its is not a substitute for interaction face to face.


  1. I agree whole heartedly. There's no better way to communicate than just sitting around with people and talking. A good campfire adds atmosphere and zest to the experience. But it's a generational thing with the technology. My grown kids text me to keep in touch, because it's fast and they don't have to listen to dad in a long, boring conversation. I'm glad they think about me but you really can't discern much from a text. It's good your vacation went so well.

    1. It may be generationl but im not sure my 70 year old mother sends me texts now too.She has a problem with me being a stubborn non-conformist :] lol

  2. Tweets are for twits.

    Harry sent me over. Great blog.

    1. Thanks matt enjoy the ramblings and poor spelling.
