Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Artic blast arrived .

   Even the trees are shivering . Alabama and -3 windchill is wrong,
Around here 25 is the limit .The heater is roaring the oven is on and the Wife is  wrapped in a blanket saying its freezing every 5 minutes .Its 68 in the house but she saw the weather so she will shiver till its back in the  60s .
   I dont know about you but  this artic blast needs to go back to Yankee territory. The only shivering that is need in the south is the southern shiver .

                  Shiver me timbers any time :). 

  I prefer warmer weather it makes me smile .


  1. Yesterday we actually had snow flakes in quantity falling from the sky, something highly unusual here. Nothing stuck but it makes you pay attention that Mother Nature can deal a death blow at anytime to everyone. If we had a green house I'd definitely need to have heat in it.

  2. Mike if you ever have a green house black plastic the floor and shelves and water barrels make good heat sinks in winter. Single digit happen 2 to 3 times a winter here.
