Sunday, March 31, 2013

My daughter is a prepper and doesnt know it

   My oldest has lost her job again. Now this is a semi annual thing for her. She has My mouth and it gets her in trouble she has my ex wifes attitude A VERY BAD COMBINATION.She has only worked fast food so her income isnt much.The only thing going her way is she has her grandmothers house with only a 375 payment and she gets food stamps by claiming her brother.Her utilities are minimal because she watches what she uses close.Her brother lives with her but like most siblings they fight over everything my office seems to double as his second bedroom.
  When she told me last week she was fired i did the daddy thing asked if she need help with what was due .I  was told mabe next month she would need a little .I asked her where she stood with her house ? She informed me she had 4 months house notes saved and credits on her power gas and water built up good for 2 months.Wow not bad  for a 25 year old  making 7.75 at a Little Ceasers pizza.She had her income tax back for some of it but had to spend 800 having 4 wisdom teeth pulled last month at a dental school
     The cabinets at her house are stuffed with pasta dinners, can goods her freezer is also packed the kid could survive 6 months without anything extra but bread and milk she eats better than us.
   She says she is a hoarder on food because she doesnt know when she may lose her food stamps.The house payments were realy for a new roof because she didnt want me to have to do it.So i guess i will do her roof this summer or at least where she has a small leak.She will find a job in a few weeks she always does.She told me she learned watching me keep food and cash laid aside.Makes me proud that she could see my way worked smoothing out bumps in the road.Her Mom was a spender and never saved so she knew how foolish that was.


  1. You are going to get her and yourself in trouble for saying she claims her brother and that you ar going to trade cash for stamps. Erase this post or at least the parts that could get you both put in jail, fined, or barred from food stamps for life. I am not judging or telling.

    1. I don't mean you need to close the blog, just fix the March 28 post. I live north of Birmingham, too.

    2. Thank you i didnt relise how it read.her brother does live with her unless their fighting.Then hes in my computer room/ office.and i deleted the other part like all kids she banks dads billfold and I will pay any price to keep my sweet monsters on their own!! I love my kids but to much me and them in one house is not a good thing.

  2. Gary,

    Folks livin in the real world "do" what's necessary to make it work out for themselves and their family . I understand - been there.

    Practical Parsimony has a valid point though; them suckers at the food stamp office are not known for being "real good understanding folks". Seems they're always just looking for a reason to deny or cut people from the program.


    1. I agree MOE
      Thanks for understanding.For her i would do it. Around here pill heads sell most of their subsitie for 60 to 75 cents on the dollar for a high.This i wont do. Have you ever had someone try to sell you steaks for half price?Guess how they bought them.I deleted some of the post.
